Register online by clicking “Enroll” on the course chosen, and come for a free trial. Details will be sent to you via e-mail.

Only the certified courses by “Zentrale Prüfstelle Prevention” (ZPP) can be refunded by your insurance company. In the course description it should be mentioned whether it applies. At the moment our outdoor workouts are refundable by insurance companies.

On completion of 80% of the course you will be issued a certificate. This and the invoice for the course has to be sent to your insurance company and they will issue a refund based on their structure (currently minimum of 75 euros per course are refunded and depending on your company this could be up to 100% coverage).

On an average two courses are covered per year, however, please confirm it with your insurance company for more precise details.

You pay for your course after the trial session once you decide to sign up. This can be done via PayPal, bank transfer or cash. During sign up process you will be issued an invoice with the payment details, which can be used get a refund from the insurance company for the completion of certified courses.

For 1 on 1 monthly training period you will not just receive an individualised exercising program run by your coach, but also with the advices for your nutrition, supplements, meditation and routine at your work. We take care of you on and off the field for a healthy and balanced life. Every program and needs are personalised.